Saturday, September 13, 2008

Moving In


Yes, welcome! This is a brand new blog I have started. It is mainly for my own benefit (of fun really) more-so then actually being some life-defining moment for someone else. That's what my real life is for, not what I'm online for.

So here's some information about myself, and what I hope to talk about for this blog. This blog is going to serve as my muse's hideout. I will talk about various (and I do mean various!) things I enjoy and experience. So don't be surprised if one day I talk about a video game, next a random site, and another a life experience. It's my blog, I can do whatever I want. Technically anyways.

Things I will write about:

My Hunters, Rikaku & the Alts, from World of Warcraft.
My future characters from WoW
Video Games
My Life in General
My Opinions in General

Why Aspect of the Addicted?
Aspect of the Addicted is a play on the name of a group of spells Hunters from World of Warcraft use, such as "Aspect of the Hawk" "Aspect of the Viper" & "Aspect of the Monkey". Many Hunters who have blogs also use this "Aspect" title, and while I wanted to do the same, I could not come up with their filling views of the Hunter task in it's entirety. I also wanted to write more about things important to me, thus I chose "Addicted" as my Aspect. I'm very easy to get hooked on the shiny new game, console, or web-game. Hell, even the blog was a quick addiction.

So while this is mainly written for my enjoyment, I hope you enjoy it too.

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