Monday, October 13, 2008

One Chapter Ends, Another Begins

And so, on Saturday, the wonderious glory of Blizzcon ended. It all seemed like a wonderful, dark, bright colored, neon tinted and mythical dream. In a stupid way, I keep finding myself saying "Did that really happen?" Yes. Yes it did. Blizzcon did happen; and from Friday the 10th to Saturday 11th, Blizzcon didn't just raid Anahiem, it conquered it.

For those of you who don't know, Blizzcon is a celebration of love for Blizzard's games. While World of Warcraft is most certainly it's poster child of success, the older children came back with their shiny new jobs to show off at this years dinner table. Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 certainly held the show's attention, and made this Blizzcon the biggest one ever. With over 12,000 attendants, you can be certain that Anahiem's nerd-rate quadrupled over the past 5 days. Of course, I say that absolutely lovingly.

"So what?" You ask. "So what do I care about stupid scantily clad elfs running amok a convention center?"

Well, you probably don't, but this is my blog and if you clicked it. Deal with it.

So what was all announced at Blizzcon? Well, Starcraft 2 will be a trilogy for one. I guess that's a big deal to all the Starcraft 2 fans, though I am not one of you. I'm not keen on the RTS games. Diablo 3's big announcement was the release of the new Wizard class. It seems most weren't too impressed by Wizard, but I found it pretty cool. Though I must say Barbarian takes the cake of awesome. Especially since I can play a girl Barbarian, well that makes it all the more appealing to me. She-rah for the win!

So it brings me to the final point; Wrath of the Lich King. The Wrath of the Lich King we got to experience was a pre-made level 80 Wrath character. While I played a Hunter with a Devilsaur, I found Death Knight to be so fluid and amazing. I really felt like I was someone important, wailing my angry vengeance upon the frozen wastelands. This was the World of Warcraft we've been waiting for. The return to a dark gothic world of Azeroth, where the world is in danger thanks to Arthas, the Lich King.

Of course that wasn't the only "Star of the Show". Other big news, the public appearance of Ghostcrawler, Everyone's Favorite Blue! Yes, Greg Street is the amazing little crab that most beta testers have come to know and love. Ghostcrawler released what was probably some of the best news to WoW players. The new "Water-proof Mounts" and the "Dual-Spec" System. Both of which I'll elaborate on later. Ghostcrawler is perhaps the best person Blizzard could've chose to represent them at this convention. Even when he got a "boo" from the audience over an upcoming change, he got them laughing again. Great guy, great choice Blizz!

So, what about me? Well, between all the loud noises and excruiating long lines, I found myself at home nestled amongst the loud noises, bright computers, and brillant lights. Even now, as I wait for Blizzard to update WoW tomorrow so I can ride a polar bear, I'm still going over Blizzcon in my head. Mrgl, my talking plush Murloc (who will soon grow to site mascot no doubt!) is still my prize from Blizzcon, along with many others. To the Alliance I met from Phoenix and Canada, it was great talking to you, and may we meet again sometime! To the Horde from New York and Minnesota, you guys almost made me wish I was Horde. From the beginning of Blizzcon and screaming bloody murder when I felt the creep for the first time in my "Zerg Creep Goo" to weilding Frostmourne and sitting on the Frozen Throne; Blizzcon will be memories I definitely keep with me.

Although, I now find myself not wanting to shoot the Horde! *wail* What if they're one of the cool people I met at the con? *sigh* Oh well. ;)

1 comment:

Tzia said...

Just wanted to chirp up and say I've added you to my Noteworthy Blogs section & you've got a good thing going!